is an international news sharing platform.
We consider ourselves a critical counterbalance to the right-wing and conservative media establishment. In terms of content, we stand for a socially just and open society, championing tolerance, pluralism and social responsibility for all.
This means we tell stories that focus on people. We report in depth on major interrelationships and try to look beyond the boundaries of daily politics.
Our news from across the world shows that politics and business can benefit the many and not just maximize profits for the few: a better future for all is possible!
Why we need each other
International media coverage is dominated by a few large news agencies. What happens in our world is often told from a geostrategic perspective, where the well-being of the people usually takes a back seat. For instance, international reporting describes the development of southern countries primarily in economic or military terms, but rarely considers the quality of life of the people living there.
News about social movements, about the many fights for a better world with less poverty and more social justice, are few and far between.
Many smaller independent media around the world work to cover news beyond the powerful mainstream media narrative. However, it is challenging to cover all the important issues: each organization has to write news separately in its own national language, invest many resources in research, and struggle daily to disseminate important news quickly and accurately. News and stories from one country often won’t even make it to neighboring nations.
That is why we need each other.
Independent and critical reporting must focus on people and social justice issues around the world.
Let’s support each other. Let’s exchange stories and spread them together. This way we can reach more people with stories that show us there is another way – that a better world is possible.
We therefore invite you to
Who runs is operated by the Austrian non-profit “Association for the Democratization of Information” with headquarters in Vienna. We publish both self-researched news and articles from other media. We carefully check the content in our own articles, articles from other media are without exception gathered from reputable journalistic sources.
Who works on

Ingo Geiger – Journalist
Anna Drujan – Journalist
Journalistische Beratung und Qualitätssicherung
Lena Krainz – Journalist

Romana Greiner – Journalist
Development, Administration, Digital Marketing
Translation, Proofreading
Donations – help us make the world a better place is a non-profit journalistic project. We do not receive money from companies or parties, and we do not receive any subsidies. This is important to us because it guarantees our independence in terms of what we research, republish and report. We finance our work purely from donations: your support helps us keep our freedom to report on people and social justice around the world.
We invest donations exclusively in our technical infrastructure, in translations and in the production of new contributions. Every donation helps us to further develop, and build our capacity to globally share the message that together we can make a better world possible.
Thanks for your support!
Bank account number for donations
IBAN: AT51 6000 0005 1003 5321
Media owner: Association for the Democratization of Information (Verein zur Demokratisierung der Information), Vienna
Content Orientation: We look at society, state and economy from a progressive, emancipatory point of view. casts the gaze of social justice on the world.
Why do you see advertisements on this page?
In order to finance the technical infrastructure of, we must place ads on our site. This doesn’t bring us much money, but it more or less covers the monthly costs for our website server.