
“Common-Good”: Germany to provide greater support for social enterprises

The German government has unveiled its "national strategy" to provide comprehensive assistance and support for common-good-oriented companies. In the future, companies that focus on...

Fighting housing shortage: Airbnb & Co should share more data with authorities to prevent fraud 

The business of platforms like Airbnb and Booking is booming: more and more private apartments are being rented out online. While this is good...

New EU Law oblige Google, TikTok & Co to be transparent about advertising on their Platforms

Google, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram: All major Internet platforms with more than 45 million monthly users are now subject to stricter rules in Europe....

Swamps as a climate saver: Ireland stores tons of COâ‚‚ through 33,000 hectares of new peatlands

Ireland is reforesting its swamps and bogs in a bid to fight climate change. Although marshlands cover only three percent of the earth, they...

EU adopts the World’s first Regulation on Cryptocurrencies

The EU-Parliament passed a law to regulate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin more strongly. The new regulation will protect consumers from losses, and it will make...


