
Peace, environmental protection, integration – Costa Rica a model State for Latin America?

Costa Rica went its own way: without an army, but with investments in education and health, a sustainable economy and an open society, Costa...

“Watershed” agreement: Farmers, water suppliers and communities work together to protect their water sources 

In Bolivia, 24,000 farmers in cooperation with communities and public water suppliers protect more than 600,000 hectares of forest from deforestation, exploitation, and the...

Historic appointment: Brazil gets first indigenous minister with Sônia Guajajara

Brazil is getting a new Ministry for Indigenous Peoples, has more indigenous deputies than ever before, and is getting its first female indigenous minister...

A new hope: Lula da Silva wants to end rainforest deforestation

The Amazon rainforest is threatened with collapse. If nothing is done about deforestation, a chain reaction will be set in motion that will cause...

Brazil election: Left-wing icon Lula wins against far-right Bolsonaro

Lula da Silva has narrowly won the runoff election for Brazilian president against Jair Bolsonaro. The incumbent president has not yet accepted his defeat,...


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