
Shoeshine Boy, Union Leader, President of Brazil: A Portrait of Lula da Silva

Lula da Silva grew up in poverty and became president of Brazil. During the military dictatorship, he fought for democracy and workers' rights. As...

Historic victory: Gustavo Petro becomes Colombia’s first left-wing president

In Colombia, Gustavo Petro won the presidential election. The ex-guerrilla fighter is the country's first left-wing president. He thus continues the left's winning streak...

Supreme Court in Mexico declares cannabis prohibition unconstitutional

The Supreme Court of Mexico has ruled that the previously introduced legal ban on the use of cannabis was unconstitutional. The Courts judge called...

Colombia burns: it’s not about “tax reform”, it’s about hunger and dignity

The millions of poor in an enormously rich country can no longer bear to choose between very little and nothing. They have very little...

Brazil: Bolsonaro’s conservative government brings hunger back

At the end of April, the official number of covid deaths in Brazil surpassed 400,000. Measured by the number of inhabitants, no country in...


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