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Chile becomes one of the top COVID-19 vaccination leaders

After being one of the world’s most hard-hit nations with COVID-19, Chile has now managed to become one of the top countries in the...

4-day working week: Spain to launch nationwide trial

Spain will become the first country in the world to launch a pilot 4-day workweek at nation-state level, The Guardian reports. The government of...

Balearic government turns empty apartments into social housing

Affordable housing is scarce, while at the same time many apartments remain empty. This is a problem that many cities are struggling with. The...

Refuting arguments of vaccination opponents

Vaccinations currently appear to be the only way to end the pandemic - to that extent, recognized experts agree. Still many people are skeptical...

These five feminist movements show how women fight for gender equality worldwide 

 Every year around the 8th of March new studies are published to mark International Women's Day. However, they always show the same thing: Gender...


Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in...

Finland is successfully fighting homelessness – despite new political developments

No more homelessness – a goal that sounds like...

Historic decision forces corporations to pay minimum of 15% tax globally

Multinational corporations such as Amazon, Facebook and Apple will...

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look...

