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Payments for the poor, taxation of the rich: Bolivia’s left-wing party returns to power

Bolivia elections 2020: MAS, the left-wing party of Evo Morales and Luis Acre claimes a landslide win. With this election victory, the Bolivian population...

Chile has finally overcome the Pinochet dictatorship!

Millions of Chileans have been protesting for social concerns for over a year. They called for a new constitution to leave the dark past...

Socialism in the US: As American as Coca Cola

In the US, politicians like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez inspire millions of people - although they represent classic social democratic politics and even...

Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need

In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. The reason: The country applies the "Housing First" concept. Those affected by homelessness receive...

LGBTQ activist Sarah McBride becomes first transgender Senator in the USA

30-year-old Sarah McBride was elected to the state parliament of Delaware with a majority of 73 percent of the votes. The first transgender senator...


Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in...

Finland is successfully fighting homelessness – despite new political developments

No more homelessness – a goal that sounds like...

Historic decision forces corporations to pay minimum of 15% tax globally

Multinational corporations such as Amazon, Facebook and Apple will...

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look...

