
The social democratic magazine Kontrast.at covers current political events, both in Austria and in the rest of the world. We view society, state and economy from a progressive, emancipatory point of view. Kontrast casts the gaze of social justice on the world.

Exclusive articles:

Austria votes against tax transparency for companies in the EU

The EU Commission wanted to offer the public insight into companies’ tax reports. The idea: Not only tax offices, but you and me as...

Norbert Walter-Borjans retrieved billions of tax tricksters is now the leader of the SPD

He bought tax CDs to combat tax evasion - and recovered over 7 billion euros in tax revenues. At the same time, he has...

US Labor leader Appelbaum: Trump lied to workers

He is one of the most important leaders of the labor movement in the USA and a fierce critic of Donald Trump. We sat...

Sweden Village without Nazis

After the neo-Nazi murder of a 14-year-old, the city of Kungälv no longer wants to watch right-wing extremism spread. It seeks help and develops...

El Pueblo Unido: This song accompanies the protests in Chile

In Chile, millions of people are taking to the streets to demonstrate against neoliberal President Piñera. El Pueblo Unido - the song that accompanies...


Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in...

Finland is successfully fighting homelessness – despite new political developments

No more homelessness – a goal that sounds like...

Historic decision forces corporations to pay minimum of 15% tax globally

Multinational corporations such as Amazon, Facebook and Apple will...

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look...