
The social democratic magazine Kontrast.at covers current political events, both in Austria and in the rest of the world. We view society, state and economy from a progressive, emancipatory point of view. Kontrast casts the gaze of social justice on the world.

Exclusive articles:

Chile: Right-wing government deploys military against protesting youth

Tens of thousands of people are protesting in Chile, South America. The protests were triggered rise the price of underground tickets by president Piñera’s...

Gender equality: lessons we need to learn from Iceland

With the lowest gender pay gap in the world, Iceland has been the leading force in gender equality since 10 years. 97 percent of...

U.S. ultraconservatives support European right-wing parties in EU elections

A network of rich ultraconservatives in the U.S. and Russia is trying to influence the EU elections. Besides fighting against the rights of women...

European Conservatives could not care less about women’s rights and gender equality

Voting against reducing the gender pay gap, increasing maternity pay and investigations regarding sexual harassment and abuse in the European Parliament: The European People's...

Against fair profit tax and higher wages – This is how European Conservatives work against your interests

The European elections 2019 are comeing. We analyzed how the European People’s Party (EPP) voted in the European Parliament on important issues. The party...


Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in...

Finland is successfully fighting homelessness – despite new political developments

No more homelessness – a goal that sounds like...

Historic decision forces corporations to pay minimum of 15% tax globally

Multinational corporations such as Amazon, Facebook and Apple will...

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look...