
Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in action for years, risking the collapse of the unique ecosystem. But the election of Lula...

Startup uses 3D prints to build “Urban Reefs” for better Air Quality

The Dutch startup "Urban Reef" uses 3D printers with renewable materials to create sculptures that are planted with a variety of mosses, mushrooms, and...

Swamps as a climate saver: Ireland stores tons of CO₂ through 33,000 hectares of new peatlands

Ireland is reforesting its swamps and bogs in a bid to fight climate change. Although marshlands cover only three percent of the earth, they...

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol bans Private Jets and Night Flights

25.5 million passengers arrive at or change planes at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport every year. This makes it the second-largest airport in the EU. Private...

Leading lawyers take side of climate activists

As climate scientists offer final warnings on our planet’s future, climate activists are becoming more and more determined to force change – whatever the...


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